In Memory of





Jeanna & Sohail Nasir in memory of Darrell Malone
Sincere sympathies and condolence to Bill and Alice Malone who were wonderful caregivers to Darrell in his time of need. Also my sympathies to Anthony Malone who looked up to his dear Uncle Darrell. We pray that his soul rest in peace. As difficult and heartbreaking as it is miss him, it is good to know he is no longer suffering and is at peace with his maker. May God grant strength and courage to the loved ones Darrell leaves behind. Our sympathies, Jeanna & Sohail Nasir
2016-03-18 20:58:12
The Gheen family
With love and affection. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all this week and in the weeks to come. With much love, The Gheens.
2016-03-18 14:55:15